Our Volunteers

  • They have a system!
    They have a system!
  • The Sorting Begins!
    The Sorting Begins!
  • God's Blessing!!!
    God's Blessing!!!
  • Collecting Cans
    Collecting Cans
  • Cans and more Cans!
    Cans and more Cans!
  • Sorting Donated Items
    Sorting Donated Items

Our volunteers are an integral part of our pantry ministry.  They range in age from 8 years old to 92 years old.  Our volunteers pick up food, unload it, and arrange it on the shelves at the pantry.  Fresh fruits and vegetables have to be bagged and sorted.  Backpacks of food are packed and delivered to the school campuses every Friday.  Paperwork must be checked and validated.  We have volunteers that organize and man food drives and raise money to provide for the hungry in our community.  Pantry nights are always busy and require lots of folks to help with food selection and carry out.  None of our staff or volunteers receive monetary compensation. 

For more information on how to volunteer, please call 571-336-6385 or email us at fightinghunger@shepherdsheartoflorena.org.