iHeart Heroes


Shepherd’s Heart of Lorena is a 501(c)(3) charity. All monetary donations are gratefully accepted and are tax-deductible. As we kick-off our building campaign, we want you to know that your donation no matter how great or small is deeply appreciated.  No one associated with the pantry receives a salary, we donate our time because we care about our people. There are children around us going hungry and that is something we can change.  We have been blessed with donations of time, food, and money.  This ministry continues to grow as we meet the hunger needs of those around us.  Due to the increasing numbers of those in need of food, we have maxed out our facility. We will continue to feed those who come to receive food but we feel we are not efficient due to our lack of space. Please consider making a donation to our building campaign — $50.00 will purchase a square foot of our new building.  Will you join us in making a difference in the lives of families choosing between a roof over their head or a meal on their table.


Donation Information

I would like to make a donation in the amount of:

$1,000 $500 $100 $50 $20


I would like this donation to automatically repeat each month

Tribute Gift

Check here to donate in honor or memory of someone

Check here if this is a memorial gift

Send acknowledgement via email to

Send acknowledgement via postal mail to

Employer Match

Check here if your employer matches donations

Donor Information

Add me to your mailing list

Please do not publish my name. I would like to remain anonymous.

Donor Address

I am a UK taxpayer and my gift qualifies for Gift Aid.


Corporate Heroes   ($5000 +)                                                                         






 Platinum Heroes   ($1000 – $4999)

Grande Community Chest





Gold Heroes   ($500 – $999)                                                                                  

Lorena K-Life


Lazy L Cattle – James Lyles






Silver Heroes  ($0 – $499)

Bert and Susan Yow

Glenn and Peggie Moyer

Robert and Jeanne Buchanan

Bettye Carter

Randy and Melissa Hickerson

Ricky and Debbie Dorris

Kevin and Beth Austin

K. S. Troutt

Joe and Lynne Cook

David and Donna Buckles

Shannah Armstrong

Shirley Yarbrough

Billy and Ronda Good

Wayne and Shirley Loomis

Ricardo and Martha Romero

Ralph and Sara Richard

Jeffrey and Melissa Kuykendall

Ruth Class (FBC Lorena)

Jimmy and Elaine Maughn

Bill and Janet Broach

Gail Harris

Elaine Sims

Friendship Class (FBC Lorena)

Kay Williams

John and Charlotte Kuehne

Ronald Schwank

David and Diane Light

Eric and Trudee Pruemer

Doug and Charlotte Stukes

David Bond

Tony and Alena Netzer

Buddies Class (FBC Lorena)

Chris and Debbie Rainer